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Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, júní 2023

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Culicoides reconditus, commonly known as biting midges or no-see-ums, are small flying insects known for their painful bites. While there isn't a specific repellent designed to kill Culicoides reconditus, you can use repellents to deter them from biting. Here are some recommendations for repelling and reducing the presence of these insects:

  1. DEET-based repellents: Products containing N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) are effective against Culicoides reconditus. Look for repellents with a concentration of 20% to 30% DEET, as higher concentrations don't necessarily provide significantly longer protection. Follow the instructions on the product for safe and effective use.

  2. Picaridin-based repellents: Repellents containing picaridin are another good option for repelling biting midges. Picaridin is less greasy compared to DEET and has a milder odor. Look for products with a concentration of 10% to 20% picaridin.

  3. IR3535-based repellents: Insect repellents containing IR3535 (ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate) can also provide protection against biting midges. Choose products with a concentration of around 20%.

  4. Permethrin-treated clothing: Consider treating your clothing, such as shirts, pants, and socks, with permethrin. This insecticide repels and kills insects upon contact. Make sure to follow the instructions for application and reapplication, as permethrin-treated clothing usually maintains its effectiveness through multiple washes.

  5. Avoid peak activity times: Biting midges are most active during dawn and dusk. If possible, limit your outdoor activities during these times to reduce exposure to the insects.

  6. Wear protective clothing: Cover exposed skin by wearing long sleeves, long pants, socks, and closed-toe shoes. Additionally, choose light-colored clothing, as dark colors tend to attract these insects.

  7. Use physical barriers: If you have a patio or outdoor area, consider using fine-mesh screens or netting to create a barrier between you and the biting midges.

It's important to note that while repellents can be effective, they may not provide complete protection. Additionally, environmental control measures, such as eliminating standing water sources where midges breed, can help reduce their population in your vicinity. Consulting with a local pest control expert or entomologist can provide more specific advice based on your location and the severity of the infestation.

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Haraldur Haraldsson
Haraldur Haraldsson

Höfundur er Markaðsfræðingur/ Sálfræði frá Middle Tennessee State Univeristy (mtsu.edu).

Fæddur í Reykjavík 1971 og ólst upp í Garðabæ. Giftur Bergdísi Eysteinsdóttur sérkennslukennara. Eigum eina dóttur, Birtu Björk Haraldsdóttur fædd 2001.

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